Armie Hammer nude

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Okay I haven’t been alive long enough nevermind aware of the academy awards long enough to say its the Worst of all time, but I mean COME ONNN. Moneyball? The Descendants? And the Help was a beautiful film, but Oscar material, really? And I’m well over Brad Pitt and George Clooney, their everlasting hype got them nods this year, definitely not their performances and Jonah Hill too? Jesus Christ, and why does the academy hate leo so much, his performance in J Edgar may not deserve an Oscar but it certainly deserves a nod, Armie Hammer also did a great supporting job in that but they both got snubbed i mean i love watching the Oscars every year and love seeing deserving actors/actresses and directors etc getting the chance at this ” coveted” award, but this year I don’t even know if I will tune in at all. I’m just really disappointed, and wondering what YOUR thoughts are on this years nominations and video in general. 10 points for best answer. Thank you

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